Afrika is the place that is generally accepted as the place where human kind started. We can see this through the archeological findings, the actual bones like that of Lucy, but also in the DNA from humans all over the world.

The exact way the modern men evolved is however still a mystery. For instance how can it be that the humans in Africa also have the DNA of Neanderthals from Europe and Asia in them? 

How can it be that all humans are identical and all within 40 thousand years. That time period is on the evolutionary scale very short. This unclarity causes a lot of debate, from ancient astronaut theorists to ancient lost civilization theorists.

It is very strange that in the period from 40 thousand years ago to 20 thousand years ago the differences between the races occurred, and in the last 20 thousand years no additional changes are recorded. Even though the last 15 thousand years the people of Africa, Asia and Europe are trading and fighting with each other.

This makes it hard to believe one human race migrated out of Africa 40k years ago, used 20k years to spread over the globe and change their distict characteristical apperances (skin color, hair type and form of the nose for instance) and then the last 20k years did not change again. It is a lot more likely the different apperances were already present before migrating out of Africa. The Al-Fiḥrist, states that there were seven principal “races” in ancient Africa (note: all humans are the same race, no matter the color, ect.). The maybe a complete race did not migrate out of curiocity, but because they were forced out.

Africa holds one of the most famous ancient civilizations: Egypt. But there is much more in Africa, like Nubia.

There is a lot of land not properly explored by archeologists. The fact that the Sahara desert was once a green furtile land makes it one of the most interesting places to study.

The records written by the local civiliations are unfortunately burned in all the wars and conquering of European invadors. 

One of the most interesting civilizations is that of the berbers and their ancestors. There is evidence that their language can be found from the canary islands to the whole of North Adrica to Egypt. It is fact that they occupied the region well befor the Egyptian civilization. They were educated and had a ritch civilization. Unfortunately the region does not allow for a proper search, what has been found in the past looks very interesting and supportive for an ancient civilization. The Egypcians also mention a civilization predecessing their own, coming from the west. This could be caused by for instance the climate change of the Sahara. There are even Egypcian gods thad can be traced back to Lybians, like Nit, (Neith in Lybia)


Ancient Lybia is therefore one of the starting points of our investigation.